A Pill To Keep You From Getting Fat?

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The drug company that makes Wegovy, the injectable weight loss drug that is so popular these days, wants to make a drug that prevents obesity.

The drug maker, Novo Nordisk, which is based on Denmark, has launched a research project to focus on “transformational prevention” of obesity using “artificial intelligence and advanced analytics to develop a “deep understanding” of obesity as a disease.”

They say that they are looking for “patterns in genomics, epigenetics, which is how the environment influences our genes, and proteomics, how the body’s proteins interact and function. They may also explore questions such as how the drugs can push people in the direction of eating healthier food.”

They MAY look into the effects of food? It’s not a major focus of this great mystery of how people become obese?? It’s a maybe??

The company’s CEO Lars Fruergaard Jorgensen admits that the problem with Wegovy is that patients can never go off of it if they want to avoid weight gain. That is why they are looking for a prevention drug.

Wegovy has been shown to cause cancer in rats. Would you take a pill to prevent obesity from this drug company?

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