Biden Walks The Fence on Israeli Bombing

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President Biden spoke out about Israel’s “indiscriminate bombing” but still vows to support Israel with more weapons and money.

Important point: there is no such thing as “discriminate bombing.” That is an example of the “precision paradox” at work. It is the lie that countries can only target bad guys and civilians won’t get hurt. It is one of many reasons that Redacted is so fiercely anti-war but back to the war at hand: Israel.

In the same day that the President spoke about civilian deaths, at least 10 Israeli soldiers were also killed.

The President said that he’s had talks with “Bibi,” or Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about killing civilians and that Bibi used the U.S. history of war in Germany.

He said: “I’m being very blunt with you all — it was pointed out to me that — by Bibi — that ‘Well, you carpet-bombed Germany.  You dropped the atom bomb.  A lot of civilians died.'”

So in this exchange, he’s telling his contemporary he doesn’t approve of all the death but…? But nothing. The United States once again voted against a ceasefire in an emergency United Nations meeting but the resolution still passed. Libya, Syria, Pakistan, Zimbabwe, Somalia, the DRC, China and Russia were among the 153 nations that voted in favor of the ceasefire but that does not mean we’ll get one. The U.S. never had U.N. authority to attack in Iraq in 2003 but they did it anyway.

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