British Soldiers in the E.U. Army?

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Could British soldiers be “tricked” into joining a European army? That can’t be because the UK voted for Brexit so they’re not a part of the E.U., right? Right? Not so fast. 

Politicians are warning that a tricky trade agreement called the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) could be used to pull the UK right back into the EU army. It calls for “the stronger involvement of the UK in European security and defence projects; welcomes, in this context, the decision of Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) members and the Council of 14 November 2022 to invite the UK to join the Military Mobility PESCO project, which would improve mutual rapid security and defence assistance; calls on the Member States to sign the administrative agreement on Military Mobility with the UK as soon as possible.”

That sure does sound like a mandate for military cooperation. Former Conservative MEP David Campbell Bannerman calls this trade agreement a NATO replacement that would undermine the voters’ choice to leave the European Union.

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