Go Home You’re Drunk (just don’t drive)

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Alcohol is stronger than it used to be and takes longer than you think to get out of your system. So you might want to think that “I can have two drinks and still drive” idea. Where did that ever come from anyway?

The Guardian published research showing that the average glass of wine is 577% larger than a glass of wine was in the 1700s. That’s a generous pour! Popular wines now have higher ABV percentages too. That is alcohol by volume. In the 1960s, most adult beverages had approximately 9% ABVs. Compare that with today’s drinks that have at least 12% or more.

So if you do have those two glasses of wine, it will stay in your system for SEVEN hours. Are you going to stay at a party for 7 hours AFTER two glasses of wine? If not, you should not be the driver.

Sorry if that’s a bah humbug but drinking and driving is just not safe at any level.

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