Suing Over Covid Lockdowns

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Parents in the U.K. could sue the government for £145 million for ignoring the impact of “draconian lockdowns” on children.

This comes from a parents group called Us For Them. They claim that the government’s Covid Inquiry which deemed lockdowns “necessary, proportionate and justified’ did not account for the demonstrable harm to children. They demand that this be investigated and quantified and threaten to litigate for it to happen if necessary.

The group published this letter to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. They say that the inquiry has been done with predetermined conclusions and because of this, “we each hold serious concerns about the conduct of the Inquiry to date and believe the Inquiry’s approach is now damaging public confidence in its proceedings and by extension in any recommendations which might ultimately be made.”

Here is one example of the types of research not included in the inquiry but which absolutely SHOULD be. New research in the British Medical Journal shows that masks did nothing to help protect children during the pandemic and that there is no medical basis to “support masking children for protection against COVID-19.”

So why did we do that? And how did it hurt them? A serious inquiry would take that into account, right?

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