The Ukraine Money Laundering Machine

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How much of the “aid” the U.S. “sends” to Ukraine gets to Ukraine? Very little, according to a new report.

The report by the American Enterprise Institute shows that approximately $60 billion of the $68 billion in military and other assistance approved by Congress has stayed in the United States. The funds go to weapons factories in Florida, Ohio, and Missouri.

This is further proof that “aid to Ukraine” is a money laundering scheme for the U.S. On Monday, a letter published by White House budget director Shalanda Young admitted as much. She said:

“While we cannot predict exactly which U.S companies will be awarded new contracts, we do know the funding will be used to acquire advanced capabilities to defend against attacks on civilians in Israel and Ukraine—for example, air defense systems built in Alabama, Texas, and Georgia and vital subcomponents sourced from nearly all 50 states. We will modernize vital munitions and equipment like Javelins made in Alabama; Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) made in West Virginia, Arkansas and Texas; tactical vehicles made in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana; and 155mm artillery shells made in Pennsylvania, Arkansas, and Iowa and many other states.”

separate report from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute confirms that U.S. firms accounted for 51% of the world’s arms revenue.

Meanwhile, people in Ukraine are dying on the death mission that is taking back the Donbas region. Ukrainian President Zelensky admitted that the war is not going well but still, he says, “We are not backing down, I am satisfied.”

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