U.K. Politicians Made Millions Off of Covid

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A politician in the UK admits that she and her family made a lot of money on Covid PPE and lied about it. Shocking, right?

Michele Mone is a former Tory peer. Her husband’s company, PPE Medpro, made millions selling Covid protective gear to the government during the pandemic even thought her lawyers said that she was not involved in those deals. The government says that she put her husband’s company in the “VIP lane” to secure these contracts while telling the press that she was not doing that very thing.

“I did make an error in saying to the press that I wasn’t involved,” Mone told the BBC.

The UK government is suing the company for “breach of contract and unjust enrichment.” They claim that millions of hospital gowns were never supplied.

But who was in charge of this “VIP lane” that authorized these contracts? The public was warned that the government was allowing price gouging from private companies during the pandemic so surely someone had to have known at the time.

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