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California taxpayers will now pay for sex changes for illegal immigrants. As of January 1, the state’s new healthcare system expands coverage for over 700,000 undocumented immigrants and as part of that program, the state will pay for hormone therapy and gender transition surgery.

This comes from the new California Medicaid program that went into effect on January 1 called Medi-Cal. Meanwhile, California is operating with a $68 billion deficit, according to the Legislative Analyst’s Office.

Given that, can the state afford to hand out cross sex hormones and pay for sex change surgeries for undocumented immigrants? Well, they’re going to according to the state’s guide on “Transgender and Gender Diverse Services” for MediCal.

And what did the state use to determine that this is necessary? The World Professional Association for Transgender Health or WPATH’s Standards of Care, which is based on no medical research and has no minimum age requirement for any gender dysphoria treatment.

Missing from this coverage is care for de-transitioning. That is because there is also no research or standards of care for that. That refers to people who decide that they do not want to be on these heavy pharmaceuticals any longer – and research shows that a lot of them don’t. In fact, one study showed that 80% of trans patients do not keep filling their prescriptions after four years. Once they’ve exposed themselves to these harsh procedures, they’re on their own if they want off.

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