Now They’re Worried About “Vaccine Hesitancy”

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The British Medical Journal published a study calling for “behavior interventions” to reduce vaccine hesitancy.

First, it is worth noting that the medical community never studies the cumulative effect of vaccines. There is no study about which vaccines are safe to be taken together, the age at which vaccination should occur, how many vaccines can be safely taken at once, and whether there are contraindicated effects of taking vaccines in combination. Nor are there studies about the long-term effects of vaccine schedules. The medical community won’t study it. But they WILL study public attitudes about vaccines? That’s funny, right?

Not surprisingly, the study calls for social media interventions to – you guessed it – misinformation. It calls for “behavioral interventions” such as “mandatory vaccination and regulation for healthcare professionals, incentives, public health communication campaigns, and engaging trusted leaders.”

It does not call for the medical community to do actual clinical trials or transparent research in order to earn the public trust. That would be ridiculous, right?

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