Ukraine: Nalvanly Died of A Blood Clot After All

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Ukraine says that its intelligence confirmed that Alexei Navalny did indeed die of a blood clot, as reported by the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.

This contradicts the West’s cries of foul play and their attempt to blame Russian President Vladimir Putin. President Biden took it so seriously that he held a rare live press conference!

Navalny is often positioned as Putin’s main enemy but that is not true. The media repeats many unconfirmed things about Navalny to take shots at Russia. And in fact Navalny was not a healthy man, which was easy to see from the blood work published by The Lancet after his alleged poisoning in 2020.

But for him to have died now is too coincidental.

This raises suspicion that the British or some other Western-backed power may have had a hand in this, as was asserted last week by Gilbert Doctorow on Redacted. It’s fishy, right? Will the West actually investigate if fingers point to an ally?

Speaking of assassinations, a man has reportedly been arrested in Moscow for a failed assassination attempt on journalist Tucker Carlson. The man says in a video that he was offered $4,000 from Ukraine to plant a car bomb to target Carlson in a parking garage. The Gateway Pundit says that these reports are unconfirmed.

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