Groundbreaking Transgender Report

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Transgender advocacy groups suppressed research showing that puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones are unproven, untested and may hurt and not help trans-identifying children, who are highly likely to have other mental health issues such as autism.

This comes from an investigation this weekend from The Times of London. Documents show that Stonewall, a trans advocacy group, tried its damndest to keep this research away from schools and educators who work with children while the charity was led by Baroness Hunt between 2014 and 2019.

Baroness Hunt says she has since changed her tune because, surprise! The report was correct. There is NOT research showing that puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones are safe. There is NOT research showing that there is no harm to social transition. There are plenty of reasons to tell educators to be cautious. This all was made abundantly clear in the groundbreaking Cass Report, published last week by the National Health Service.

The Cass report says that the toxicity around the trans debate “must stop now” because it hurts children. The “no debate” position is exactly that: toxic. We should absolutely want research about what these drugs do to young people and as that research comes out, we should pay attention to it and do something about it.

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