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Colombia University ordered students to evacuate the war protests by Monday afternoon but they didn’t so the university has begun suspending students who are still there.

A school spokesperson said that the students will be “placed on suspension, ineligible to complete the semester or graduate, and will be restricted from all academic, residential, and recreational spaces.”

The students say that they will not clear out and that “these repulsive scare tactics mean nothing compared to the deaths of over 34,000 Palestinians.”

In Texas, Governor Greg Abbott said that the students would be arrested.

Universities say that they cannot allow these protests because Jewish students feel threatened and discriminated by them. As Representative Ilhan Omar points out, Arab students feel that way too. What we have here is a problem of our own creation: Students have been taught that their feelings are the most important thing and that they should not have to engage in uncomfortable discourse.

Free speech attorney Alex Morey says that “Part of a liberal education is having that diversity of voices on campus. That’s a feature, not a bug!”

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