White House Celebrates Transgenderism on Easter Sunday

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The White House celebrated Trans Day of Visibility on Sunday, which also happened to be Easter Sunday. The White House celebrated that too.

This created a lot of division online with people wondering why the White House would usurp a Christian holiday for gender dysphoria, which already has many other annual events: Trans Day of Remembrance, November 20, Trans/Gay Pride Month, June, and Trans Awareness Week, mid-November. Trans Day of Visibility is always on March 31 but Easter Sunday is not. These two holidays won’t conflict with one another in most calendar years.

This is a divisive culture war that will accomplish nothing. The loving and Christian thing to do would be to live and let live. Trans ideology should be discussed on the substantive level, not through culture wars. May we present you with social psychologist Jonathan Haidt’s most recent analysis of gender ideology in this endeavor?

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