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Liberals in Canada are going wild that Justin Trudeau’s Conservative opponent Pierre Poilievre went to a protest against carbon taxes. Prime Minister Trudeau says that this proves he supports “conspiracy theorists and extremists.”

Trudeau called anyone who did not take the Covid vaccine an extremist and now his government is still answering for the draconian measures and vaccine harms. You would think he would learn to be a bit humbler and ask people why they believe certain things rather than talk down to them.

But no. Trudeau does not want to understand why people might be against a carbon tax, namely because it has not been proven that carbon exacerbates climate change and the working people are tired of bearing the brunt of added costs. Trudeau won’t hear that. He will not stoop so low as to talk to people who disagree with him at all.

Poilievre was seen saying this at the protest: “Everyone hates the tax because everyone’s been screwed over.”

Trudeau says that this shows that Poilievre “will do anything to win.” Polls show him doing just that but there is a long way to go. The election is not until 2025.

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