What is Dr. Fauci Hiding?

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What is Dr. Anthony Fauci hiding on his personal electronic devices and his personal email? That’s exactly what the  House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic would like to know. They’re demanding that Dr. Fauci provide detailed information from his personal devices.

This request follows revelations that Dr. David Morens, one of Fauci’s top advisors, deliberately avoided using official channels to circumvent Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. Dr. Morens admitted, during testimony, to using his personal email to communicate sensitive information, which he later deleted to avoid public scrutiny.

What are they hiding?

This behavior has certainly raised significant concerns about transparency and accountability within the National Institutes of Health. The House committee’s investigation has revealed several issues, including Fauci’s acknowledgment that the “6 feet apart” social distancing recommendation was not based on solid scientific evidence but rather seemed to have appeared without proper justification. Additionally, Fauci conceded that promoting vaccine mandates might increase vaccine hesitancy in the future.

​These findings are part of a broader investigation into the origins of COVID-19 and the actions of public health officials during the pandemic. The committee has already subpoenaed Dr. Morens to produce documents from his personal email accounts and is now focusing on obtaining similar information from Dr. Fauci. Will he comply?

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