Biden (NOT) Tough on Border

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The Biden Administration has offered assylum to over 350,000 asylum cases since 2022, according to the NY Post, which went through the records. And yet the President will campaign on the lie that he is tough on the border.

The Post found that the administration has “terminated without a decision on the merits” of asylum claims by applicants who “don’t have a criminal record or are otherwise not deemed a threat to the country.” This allows them to stay in the U.S. indefinitely without regular check-ins. So no one will track their status? Just stick around?

According to the Post:

ICE officers add that they have seen an increase in cases of such migrants committing crimes after their asylum cases have been dismissed, forcing agents to restart removal proceedings — which typically take years.

“Please let everyone know what’s really going on,” an ICE officer told The Post

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