Doctors Fight Back Against Transgender Surgeries

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A large and vocal group of doctors has formed the Doctors Protecting Children Declaration, speaking out against transgender procedures for children. The group includes representatives from the American College of Pediatricians and includes representatives from dozens of other medical and ethical associations.

The American College of Pediatricians has been called “a socially conservative advocacy group,” and Wikipedia says that the group “promotes conversion therapy.” That is because trans advocates use this semantical trick where they say that anyone who does not affirm gender ideology wants to “convert” that person to their biological sex. You can’t convert someone’s gender to their gender.

The declaration is evidence based though. They cite multiple studies showing that transitioning children does not make them better; in fact, it increases their risk of suicide. Puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones are indisputably unsafe. And social transition only locks children into a dangerous path and ignores pre-existing mental health issues. We should know this by now but the media and ideological extremists are trying not to know this by now.

In a press conference to launch the declaration, Dr. Jill Simons implores other doctors to “follow the science.. and immediately stop the promotion of social affirmation, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries for children and adolescents who experience distress over their biological sex… In our declaration, we affirm that Sex is a dimorphic innate trait  defined in relation to an organism’s biological reproduction, male and female.”

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