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X, formerly Twitter, will now hide likes on the individual level. They will still count and show how many likes a post gets but it will not show who what the posts specifically.

This is an important change because we live in a world where people have been punished for just liking things that are considered wrong-think. One university president was reprimanded and nearly fired for liking Tweets that are critical of surgery for trans-identifying minors. This amounts to social persecution for mere thought. The academic in question did not specifically SAY these things himself. He just indicated with a heart button that he agreed with someone else’s freedom to say them.

Users can still track what they have liked and the post’s author can too but no one else can so the mob cannot punish people for how they feel. Admittedly, I myself have stopped myself from liking posts for this very intimidation but no longer! I’m about to like with wild abandon now!

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