The Coup of President Biden

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The Democratic voters voted for Joe Biden in the primaries but they won’t get to support Joe Biden because the political elites have subverted the election to their own calculations. This is a political coup, I don’t know how to see it any other way.

President Biden has now endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to run for President but she did not win even one state in the 2020 primaries. The democrats did not choose her but she is being forced upon them.

This is similar to the way the donor class tanked the campaign of Bernie Sanders in 2016 in favor of Hillary Clinton. The Biden camp prevented a competitive primary this year in order to keep power and place Kamala Harris somewhere the voters did not choose.

But what will her candidacy stand for? Is there any reason to think she is not just as warmongering as President Biden, if not more so? She has lied about the war in Ukraine which has led to hundreds of thousands of deaths. She was supposedly “in charge” at the Southern border and ignored whistleblowers who warn about the trafficking of children.

And how will she stand up against former President Trump? Early polls had her doing only slightly better than President Biden against President Trump but never underestimate the Democrats’ ability to distract from their murderous record with race and gender.

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