A Debate Or Not To Debate? That’s The Question

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Will we get a debate between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris? The two are playing out their scheduling conflicts in public and it’s annoying.

A second debate between President Biden and Trump had been scheduled for September 10 on ABC News but the President is now in litigation with ABC News so that is a potential conflict of interest, he says. As if ABC News would otherwise be honorable if not for the litigation. President Trump says that the debate should happen on Fox News and proposed September 4 but the Vice President doesn’t agree to that. She says that President Trump should honor the agreement he made with President Biden but with her instead.

“I’ll see her on September 4th or, I won’t see her at all,” President Trump said on Truth Social.

The Vice President responded thusly on X: “It’s interesting how ‘any time, any place’ becomes ‘one specific time, one specific safe space.’ I’ll be there on September 10th, like he agreed to. I hope to see him there.”

Calendaring as political drama is so dumb. The American people deserve the chance to observe this debate. They should show up for both and invite Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to participate.

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