Biden Administration Censoring Social Media

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Mark Zuckerberg admitted that Facebook has been acting as the federal government’s censor and that he regrets that.

In a letter to the House Judiciary Committee, Zuckerberg admitted that Facebook complied with censorship demands from the Biden administration during the Covid-19 pandemic. He said that they requested censorship of even “humor and satire” and that in hindsight, he regrets it. He said that Facebook would not do that again today, knowing what they know now.

That’s a tough one to accept. Had he allowed even relevant questions about lockdowns and vaccines, he would not have been so committed to shutting down information. He allowed censorship based on public sentiment and not science.

He also admits that the FBI made up a lie about the Biden family during the 2020 election and that Facebook bought that lie and censored it accordingly. Which leaves the lingering question: Who authorized this lie campaign about the Biden family during the Trump administration and why has no one been disciplined for this!?

Finally, Zuckerberg admits that his initiatives to allow people to find local voting information favored Democrats and he’s sorry about that and won’t do it again.

What do you think? Do you accept this mea culpa?

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