Flying Is Safer Than Ever

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This may make you feel better about your next vacation. A new study shows that air travel gets 50% safer every decade. In fact, the risk of death by air travel based on accidents was 1 in 13.7 million over 2018-22.

That’s excellent yet the paper says that there may be evidence that air travel caused deaths during the pandemic due to Covid-19 transmissions. The paper says that “in-flight transmission of Covid-19 may have caused thousands of passenger deaths.” Given what we know now about the over reporting of Covid deaths, I’m going to take that one with a grain of salt.

Researchers said that some parts of the world had safer air travel stats than others. “The US, most of Europe, Australia, Canada, China, Israel, Japan, and New Zealand were found to have 36.5 times fewer fatalities per passenger boarding in 2018-2022 than most countries of the Middle East, South America, and South Africa, as well as South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Türkiye.”

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