RFK, JR. Set To Drop Out Of Race?

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr.‘s running mate Nicole Shanahan said recently that their campaign may merge with the Trump campaign because they have been thwarted and attacked at every turn by the Democratic Party.

This should be come as a shock after the way the Democrats thwarted Bernie Sanders’ campaign in 2016, the extent to which we learned about in the Wikileaks documents. It’s not a shock but it’s still upsetting.

Shanahan said that their campaign has been sabotaged at every turn by the Democrats and she regrets having campaigned for them in the past. She says that they are now seriously considering endorsing Donald Trump, which could bring their 4.5% of voters over to Trump, pushing him ahead of Kamala Harris, who currently leads in the polls by a hair.

This would be a loss for Americans’ hopes for a third party. Some say that the announcement is expected by this Friday.

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