WHO Issues Warning Over Covid… here we go again

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The World Health Organization is warning that Covid is still with us. Is it hurting or killing people? They don’t say that. They only say that case numbers are up.

Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove of the WHO said this to journalists this week: “Data from our sentinel-based surveillance system across 84 countries reports that the percent of positive tests for SARS-CoV-2 has been rising over several weeks. Overall, test positivity is above 10 per cent, but this fluctuates per region. In Europe, percent positivity is above 20 per cent.”

This unexpected during the summer but she speculates that maybe the Olympics had something to do with it? All that gathering and sweating in the non-air conditioned buildings?

Dr. Van Kerkhove said that individuals should get a Covid vaccine every 12 months even though we KNOW that the vaccine does not prevent the spread of Covid. The WHO says that “as the virus continues to evolve and spread, there is a growing risk of a more severe strain of the virus that could potentially evade detection systems and be unresponsive to medical intervention.”

That makes no sense. If the vaccine does not prevent the spread, how could the vaccine prevent the evolution and spread? Perhaps the WHO missed this recent study that showed that there are “no systematic or statistically significant trends showing that vaccination campaigns in 2020 and 2021 reduced all-cause mortality.”

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