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California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a formal apology for California’s role in the enslavement of black people.

California was never a slave-owning state, although, according to the apology, California did allow people to live in California with slaves brought from other states and enforced fugitive slave laws until 1865.

Okay. Will California next apologize to the Mexican population for taking that land? If that’s what we’re doing…

Also, I might find this more genuine if California also concerned itself with the CURRENT slavery that happens at its Southern Border. The Department of Homeland Security recently raised the flag about over 300,000 unaccompanied minors that have crossed into the U.S. and gone missing, many of them sold into forced labor and sex labor. While California is worried about slavery, now is a good time to stop it as well as apologize for the slavery that was enforced more than 150 years ago, right?

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