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Is it fair game for politicians’ family members to speak out against them or is it a game of dirty laundry? I am leaning towards inappropriate family sharing, a violation of casa nostra, if you know what I mean.

This image has gone viral of eight members of Governor Tim Walz’s family expressing their support for Donald Trump. Walz’s older brother Jeff Walz says that his brother is “not the type of character” you would want in the White House and that he has stories to tell.

In a similar vein, Malik Obama is trending because former President Obama’s half brother says that he will vote for Donald Trump. He backed Trump in the previous two elections as well.

When Robert F. Kennedy Jr. endorsed President Trump, the Kennedy family released this statement against him saying that his endorsement was “is a betrayal of the values that our father and our family hold most dear.”

President Trump’s niece Mary L. Trump was one of the first to do this and was beloved by the press for her memoir, “Too Much and Never Enough,” which was a New York Times best seller. She has a new book out next week called “Who Could Ever Love You.”

Are these people money and fame grifters or do they have information that voters need to hear? If you base your vote on family grievances, maybe that vote is a bit light on the actual issues. What do you think?

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