Mainstream Media Suddenly Embraces Warmonger Dick Cheney

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I am losing my mind that the media thinks that Former Republican Vice President and neocon war lover Dick Cheney’s endorsement of Kamala Harris is influential. That same media damn well knows that Dick Cheney masterminded the horrific war in Iraq, leading to the death of millions! They know that he masterminded the Patriot Act, which led to the spying on us all. This is not controversial! They let Christian Bale play this out in a major Hollywood film!

And yet this weekend CNN said that his endorsement holds more weight than the Trump endorsement of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.!? They are pretending that this is a major betrayal by an entrenched Republican. It isn’t. Cheney is a war lover and so are the Democrats. This endorsement is on brand for the Democratic ticket.

When the most prominent bloodguilty politician of our time endorses your candidate, maybe that’s not a great sign, huh?

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