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There is a talmudic saying: “We do not see things as they are, we see them as we are.”

That statement is poignant for how people perceived the presidential debate on Tuesday.

Democratic voters think Vice President Harris was poised, well spoken and hard hitting. Republican voters think that President Trump was treated unfairly by the moderators who “fact checked” him several times and “fact checked” Vice President Harris zero times. It does not seem that either of them made a strong case to swing voters so the race remains too close to call.

Vice President Harris did not have to answer for the current administration’s failures and that was a shame. We deserve answers for why the economy is in a tailspin, why childhood poverty has doubled, why America has become the largest facilitator of child trafficking in the world, why housing prices are skyrocketing and why our national debt is out of control to fund endless wars. We didn’t get that. Instead we got a personality showdown.

The question that made me want to leave the planet was this: “Do you want Ukraine to win this war?”

It is a fundamentally ignorant question about the state of the war and only someone who risks neither their own life nor the life of someone that they love could ask it. President Trump’s answer was that he wants the death to stop and the media perceives that as a failed answer because they either have not studied the conflict or want the war to continue. Or both.

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