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President Trump said that he hates Taylor Swift on Truth Social this weekend after the singer endorsed Kamala Harris. It was a childish post after Swift’s own childish post about being a childless cat lady.

According to The Telegraph, Swift’s endorsement “may have backfired.”

“A new poll from YouGov released Saturday found that only 8 percent of voters said the superstar’s approval would see them “somewhat” or “much more likely” to vote for Ms Harris. But the same poll, which ran on Sep 11 and 12, found one in five (20 per cent) of those surveyed would be less likely to vote for her after the endorsement.”

Why? Because Taylor Swift hardly represents the voting populace. She has private jets and sold-out arena concerts, and most of her music is about being wronged by a man and taking no responsibility for her own actions. I should know. I am subjected to it ad nauseam by my daughters and am constantly trying to explain to them how these lyrics show immaturity. I think I have more cause to hate her than Donald Trump and yet, I took my daughters to her concert because my father took me to Paula Abdul in the 80s. Sigh.

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