YouTube Suppressing Anti-War Videos

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YouTube is undeniably suppressing this Redacted piece from yesterday about how a vote for the Democrats is a vote to endorse sending our children to war. Despite having record-breaking traffic during our live stream yesterday, this video has less than one-tenth the views of even our low-performing videos. What is it that they don’t want you to see? 

In this piece, we outline the lies that have led the U.S. into war since the first Bush Administration. We outline the war crimes of the U.S. military that were sold to the military and American people based on blatantly false propaganda. We begged voters to see that we are STILL being told these lies about the war in Ukraine and Gaza. Who in their right mind would believe that we were lied to for decades but are being told the truth now?

The Democrats are the ones repeating these lies the loudest but Republicans are hardly correcting the record because they’re a uniparty.

These lies will lead to a military draft.

Due to record-low military enrollment, the 2025 Defense budget proposes a draft of young men and women too. A vote for the Democrats is a vote for these wars, full stop. The culture wars are a distraction for voters so that they miss the real wars. YouTube doesn’t want you to see that but we do. If you would be so kind, watch and share this piece and please take these wars into account when you vote this autumn.

Perhaps you can watch the video and share it with everyone you know?

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