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Introducing the Representation Index. It is the new DEI, only it uses AI.

The Representation Index gives brands a score to tell customers how “inclusive their ads are—or aren’t.” As if we cannot see for ourselves with our own eyes.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the Representation Index “is being introduced by Female Quotient, a group that promotes gender equality in the workplace, and XR Extreme Reach, a tech platform used by brand marketers and others. It will use artificial intelligence to analyze elements such as age, body type, skin tone, gender expression and accessibility, its creators say, to create a score between zero and 100, with higher scores deemed as being more inclusive.

The scores will be available to customers of XR Extreme Reach, which said its clients include large advertisers such as Procter & Gamble and Indeed, and won’t be publicly released.”

So, say that Ford wants to put a white man in its truck commercials? Bad score! A brand puts a white woman in their ad? Bad score! No one wants to see that! Put minorities in your ads or else!

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