Introducing The New Pandemic Treaty

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The World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty seems to be failing because it is an obvious grab to supersede national sovereignty. But don’t get excited. A new version has been proposed. It is called the North American Preparedness for Animal and Human Pandemics Initiative (NAPAHPI).

This is a joint initiative between “the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), in collaboration with the U.S. Departments of State (State), Agriculture (USDA), and Homeland Security (DHS), and their respective counterparts in Mexico and Canada.” It has all the hallmarks of the WHO plan, including identifying and preparing to “prevent and mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from pandemics and other events that pose a threat to regional health security.”

That sounds great except those agencies misled the public so blatantly during the Covid-19 pandemic. They should NOT be awarded more power!

If they admit that they suppressed true information about infection threats to children, masking, lockdowns, the vaccine and mandates, maybe we might want to see these agencies take another swipe at “pandemic preparedness” but given that they still refuse, they don’t deserve this power.

Unlike the WHO pandemic treaty, it does not seem like there will be a vote for this initiative. It seems as though the government is just going ahead and doing it.

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