Artificial Intelligence Failure

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Here is why you shouldn’t rely on AI for your research.

The View host Ana Navarro was making a point about past Presidents who pardoned family members in reference to President Biden’s pardon of his son Hunter Biden and wrote that “Woodrow Wilson pardoned his brother-in-law, Hunter deButts.” No such thing ever happened. Hunter deButts is not even a real historical figure. She later said that she got this from ChatGPT, which is no excuse. She works for ABC News! Even if you get this from ChatGPT, wouldn’t you think, “Huh, I don’t know this story, let me research it a little before I post about it?”

This is something called AI hallucination. It is when AI just makes stuff up and presents it as fact. That is why you should not rely on it!

Just this week, a Stanford “misinformation expert” admitted that he used artificial intelligence to draft a court document that contained multiple fake citations about AI for a case about AI!

And if that isn’t bad enough, Esquire magazine published this story about how George Bush pardoned his son Neil when that is also not a thing that ever happened! The magazine added this note to the column before eventually deleting it: “An earlier version stated incorrectly that George H.W. Bush gave a presidential pardon to his son, Neil Bush. Esquire regrets the error.”

But how does that happen? How do you just make up historical facts? The EXTREME irony here is that the author of that column, Charles P. Pierce, is also the author of the book “Idiot America: How Stupidity Became A Virtue In The Land of the Free.” Is he proof positive of his own thesis?

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