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The media is trying to make good now that the Biden years are ending and I am not feeling very forgiving about it. Are you?

The New York Times just woke up to publish this headline: “Recent Immigration Surge Has Been Largest in U.S. History: Under President Biden, more than two million immigrants per year have entered, government data shows.”

WAY TO CATCH UP! They admit this now AFTER the election is over? What demons!

They admit this now that it can’t hurt the Harris campaign even though they admit it has been happening for years, admitting that this rate of migration is a “faster pace of arrivals than during any other period on record, including the peak years of Ellis Island traffic, when millions of Europeans came to the United States. Even after taking into account today’s larger U.S. population, the recent surge is the most rapid since at least 1850.”

This data has been available for anyone who cared to look for the whole of the Biden years. The New York Post calls this a “betrayal of their readers.” We call it willful dishonesty.

TIME Magazine named President-elect Trump Person of the Year after promoting Kamala Harris and years of hitting at Trump and his campaign. They named Robert Mueller Person of the Year in 2017 even though proper reporting shows that the the Mueller investigation was highly compromised and based on bad intel from Christopher Steele.

It is also shocking to see that the TIME cover includes a not-unflattering image of the President-elect after years of making him look as orange, chubby and grumpy as possible. Predictably, liberal zealots are pissed and confused about this about-f

Social media is also making a mea culpa. Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg donated $1 million to the Trump inauguration fund in order to brown nose…or rather, “improve his historically tense relationship with the incoming Republican.”

Suddenly publishing something closer to the truth is not the apology we are owed.

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