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President Trump has appointed “Kashyap “Kash” Patel [to] serve as the next Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation” and his supporters are pretty stoked about this.

Patel was an integral part of “Objective Medusa,” which was an effort to uncover collusion against President Trump by the Obama White House, Clinton campaign, Department of Justice and FBI. “Crossfire Hurricane” was the name that the FBI gave its investigation of President Trump while running for office in 2015 and it was based on the Steele Dossier that was bought and paid for by the Clinton campaign.

Patel was a terrorism prosecutor at the Department of Justice and served as a civilian in the military at the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC). He has said that he has a “profound respect and love for the [DOJ] and FBI,” which was why he worked to root out a politically-motivated targeting of President Trump as soon as he won his first Republican primary. Now he will have access to all the people who participated in this, which may explain why one of the lead prosecutors on the Mueller Investigation, Andrew Weissmann, seems nervous. He said that Patel “does not have the experience and gravitas to lead the preeminent federal agency in America whose 30,000+ employees serve to keeps us safe from terrorists and child predators.”

In Weissmann’s own book about the investigation, he admits that what they found was grey area. His biggest complaint is Trump’s threatening to shut it down while he was in office. The investigation cost taxpayers $30 million.

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