Anti-Trump March Goes Limp

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The anti-Trump march in Washington D.C. did not have the steam of the 2017 Women’s March. Even the corporate press called it “limp.”

According to The Telegraph: “For an event that billed itself as the ‘People’s March’, not a lot of people ended up marching.”

The BBC reported that “thousands” showed up but in 2017, half a million people showed up in their “pssy hats,” hats made to look like the female genitalia to reference the Access Hollywood tape where the President said that women let him grab them by the pssy.

The liberal organizers were hoping for 50,000 attendees, but Capitol Police said that the number did not exceed 25,000. Why do you think that is?

One attendee called the low turnout “unfortunate” but told The Telegraph that it did not mean that “hardly anybody is concerned”, adding: “I think it’s just that they’re going to do their resisting and protesting online, at home.”

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