Senator Rand Paul and Elon Musk are calling for an audit of the U.S. reserves of gold, particularly those in Fort Knox. This should be a no-brainer but most Americans don’t know that the U.S. has never had a straight answer as to how much exists in the country’s gold reserves, especially after Franklin D. Roosevelt stole every single Americans’ gold in 1933 and passed a law making gold ownership illegal.
Where did it all go?
Funny story about that. President Dwight D. Eisenhower campaigned on a promise to audit the country’s gold reserves. The audit was ordered hours after his inauguration and officially concluded 7 days later. The government’s own press release about it admitted that “treasury employees participating in the audit were assigned to activities other than those on which they are regularly employed.” What? Why not let people actually audit what they do best? Oh and also, they did not physically see every bit of gold. Reports vary from a 5% to 100% sampling of physical inventory.
Gerald Ford and group of congressional delegation and journalists say that they saw the gold in Fort Knox in 1974 but that was not an audit.
That’s the best answer we’ve ever been offered as Americans. We probably should want more, right?