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new law in New Hampshire could give the state the right to take your children from you. A new bill removes the word “safety” from the legal definition of child abuse. It replaces it with “physical, emotional or psychological welfare.”

So if the government assesses that your child is emo, they can step in. I’m sure you can see where this could go wrong in our culture stemmed from the cult of safetyism.

For instance, in Minnesota, Child Protective Services accused a father of emotional abuse and neglect because he was a Christian and refused to call his daughter a boy and placed her in foster care with two gay men. New Hampshire is expanding its ability to do things like this.

Your child is in puberty? Let us step in. Your child wants to experiment with sex and drugs? We’ll take it from here.

Why does the state need to intervene in anything more than physical safety? There are already robust laws on the books to protect children. In fact, New Hampshire “removes children from their families at a rate nearly double the national average.”

Richard Wexler, executive director of the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform, said this to Reason Magazine: “I happen to be a tax-and-spend liberal but this bill provides not one iota of additional help. It simply turns the [Division for Children, Youth and Families] into the ‘well-being’ police.”

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