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The right-left divide is getting even more petty with the “makeup wars,” which of course are partisan.

Democrats say that “Republican makeup” is too heavy on foundation and thick eyebrows. Republicans say that “Democrat makeup” is clownish and sloppy with bright dyed hair, piercings and neon lipstick.

The two sides are indicating that their opponents not only have bad politics but also bad taste. It’s another way to make fun of people you disagree with.

According to the Wall Street Journal, “Comedian Suzanne Lambert popularized “Republican makeup.” [She] said her posts were meant to be cutting and provocative. Accuracy is not necessarily the goal.

“They’ve called us blue-haired liberals for years, right?” said Lambert, a former Republican who has light brown-blonde hair, in an interview. “They’ll make fun of our tattoos and our piercings, and we’ve never really clapped back.”

It’s not clapping back. It is childish and it is each group selling themselves a false notion of their own superiority.

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