Syrian Deaths Should Shock But Not Surprise

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The United States and European Union are acting surprised that the Syrian regime has allowed killing people in Syria. Even though the people who run Syria after the overthrow of Bashar Al-Assad are terrorists known to the State Department as such.

The State Department says that the U.S. “condemns the radical Islamist terrorists, including foreign jihadis, that murdered people in western Syria in recent days.  The United States stands with Syria’s religious and ethnic minorities, including its Christian, Druze, Alawite, and Kurdish communities, and offers its condolences to the victims and their families.  Syria’s interim authorities must hold the perpetrators of these massacres against Syria’s minority communities accountable.”

Except Syria’s “interim authorities” are the Al-Nusra faction called Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), which is a branch of Al-Qaeda. So, after warring with Al-Queda for years, the U.S. is now asking them to stop being terrorists and surprised that they are?

The President of Syria says that he will launch an investigation into this matter.

The videos of civilians being killed is horrifying but should not be shocking. David Sacks put it this way: “What did removing Saddam, Gaddafi, Assad get us? Chaos, civil war, genocide. The rule for regime change operations in the Middle East is that they don’t flip a country from bad-to-good. They flip a country from bad-to-worse.”

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