Who Was In Charge All That Time?

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Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey has demanded an investigation into who was running the country while President Biden was in cognitive decline.

“It appears staffers and officers in the Biden administration may have exploited Biden’s incapacity so they could issue orders without an accountable President of sound mind approving them,” AG Bailey writes. “This would explain why the Biden administration’s orders were aggressivey much farther to the left than any previous President. If in fact Biden’s staffers were exploiting his mental decline, those orders are null and void.”

AG Bailey says that “it is black-letter law that a document is void, ab initio, when the person signing it lacks mental capacity.”

He is asking the Department of Justice to investigate “who has been running the country for the last four years.”

How do you think they would do that? Could they ask President Biden NOW why he did many things and to produce evidence of his understanding of those things? I doubt that would lead to very much. Could they ask for a document trail that led to executive actions? And would these Deep State actors be easy to identify?

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