Americans Being Sent To Middle East

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The U.S. is sending more troops to the Middle East to prepare for a war to support Israel. The Oregon National Guard will send 230 guardsmen to Iraq and Syria, according to reports.

According to, “the US has about 2,500 troops in Iraq and 900 troops occupying eastern Syria. The Oregon guardsmen are likely being sent out on a regular rotational deployment, but the move comes as the US beefs up its presence in the region.”

Why is the U.S. ramping up presence in the region?

To protect Israel from retaliation. Congress has not declared war but the military continues to prepare for one. The Defend the Guard Act would prevent the National Guard in any state from being deployed without a declaration of war but the Act has not become law in any state yet. You can support it in your state by visiting this site because no one should be sent to a war that is decided on by war hawks and is not in anyone’s best interest.

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