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Israel has opposed a 21-day ceasefire that was called for by the U.S., Eureopean Union, Australia, Canada, and several Arab countries. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shut down earlier reports that such a ceasefire was on the table.

“This is a U.S.-French proposal to which the prime minister did not even respond,” the Prime Minister’s Office said. “The news about a so-called directive to moderate the fighting in the north is also the opposite of the truth… The prime minister instructed the IDF to continue fighting with full force, and according to the plans that were presented to him.”

These plans reportedly include a ground offensive in Lebanon.

The proposed ceasefire was published on the White House website. It says: “We call on all parties, including the governments of Israel and Lebanon, to endorse the temporary ceasefire immediately…to give a real chance to a diplomatic settlement.”

It has become clear that the U.S. has lost its ability to influence Israel. This week, Secretary of State Antony Blinken looked incredibly uncomfortable with Israel’s attacks, yet would not condemn them either.

Jewish Senator Bernie Sanders has proposed a bill “to block arms sales to Israel.” Meanwhile, Senator Tom Cotton has asked President Biden to speed up arms delivery to Israel.

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