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New York City Mayor Eric Adams says that he is innocent of the charges he’s been indicted on and that he is a target of a political persecution. The kind that Democrats insist is not happening.

The mayor has been charged with accepting illegal campaign contributions from other countries from as far back as 2014. He is the first sitting New York City mayor to be charged in a criminal indictment.

Adams says that he will fight this and that the indictment is based on lies. He said this in a statement on Wednesday:

“I always knew that If I stood my ground for New Yorkers that I would be a target – and a target I became. If I am charged, I am innocent and I will fight this with every ounce of my strength and spirit.”

What would have made him a target? This. He has repeatedly spoken out about illegal immigration and how it is imploding his city. He has begged the Biden/Harris administration for help and criticized open borders. Could it be that simple or is there more here?

The prosecutor, Damian Williams, will speak about the matter later today. He is the same lead prosecutor on the Diddy case. That guy is busy!

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