Free Speech Survived To Fight Another Day

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Activists were not able to stop Professor Kathleen Stock for speaking at Oxford on Tuesday but boy did they try! Her speech went ahead but you can clearly hear people outside the room trying their damndest to wail over her.

And what is it that they absolutely did not want her to say? That we as a society need to be able to tolerate offense. That progressive ideas always cause offense and that we need them to move forward. That satire depends on offense because the very definition of satire is to treat something irreverently which people normally treat reverently.

Is this really something people didn’t want to hear? More it was that she is someone people don’t want to hear FROM. Stock writes and speaks about how biological sex is real and that a man cannot appropriate womanhood without infringing on the rights of biological women. She lost her job for this and she is a trans rights activists public enemy number one. It was her writing that informed a lot of what J.K. Rowling has said so they hate her.

In advance of the speech, one student glued herself to the floor near the podium but it seems she was removed in time for Dr. Stock to carry on.

And yet she was able to speak because Oxford took a stand against the cancel culture. Hard to believe but it happened.

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