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Gaza Death Toll Breaks New Record

Palestinian authorities say that the death toll from the war in Gaza and the West bank is nearing 40,000 people, including newborn twin babies who were killed in air raids on Tuesday.

The Cradle reports that Israel has arrested at least 10,000 people across the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem since October 7. This does not include arrests in Gaza because there is no accurate reporting on those arrests.

Haaretz reports that Israel is using these prisoners as human shields when invading Gaza. They dress them in Israeli uniforms and send them into battle first during operations. Is this official protocol? According to Haaretz, “The senior ranks know about it.”

Amid all of this inhumanity, the U.S. approved over $20 billion in military aid to Israel on Tuesday, including F-15 fighter jets and tank munitions. This brings the total in arms deals to Israel to five.

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