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Vice President Kamala Harris released her economic plan on Wednesday. It is heavily targeted at the middle class.

Oh, haven’t you heard? She’s from the middle class.

The first 9 pages of the “plan” is a throat clearing about how top economic advisors think she would be better for the economy than Trump. How would they know that before the plan was published?

The plan goes on to detail how she will expand the child tax credit, which admittedly is a good idea. To lower prices, she says that she will invest in food supply chains and ban grocery price gouging. Neither of those things are the problem causing high food prices but okay, do that.

One interesting bit that caught my eye is the Neighborhood Homes Tax Credit, which would give tax breaks to homeowners in low-income neighborhoods if they construct or renovate in those neighborhoods in order to prevent these areas from becoming slums. That’s a good idea if properly implemented.

How would Harris pay for her spending? She hasn’t really said much more than that she wants to increase taxes, which would be hard without Congressional approval.

Read the plan for yourself and decide on the substance.

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