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Don’t worry, Ukrainian President Zelensky has a “victory plan” and it’s ready now.

On Monday, he said the plan was 90% ready but he must have pulled some all-nighters because he says it’s good to go now.

On X he posted this: “Everything has been thoroughly worked through. The most important thing now is having the determination to implement it. There is no alternative to peace — no freezing of the war, or any other manipulations that would simply shift Russian aggression to another stage. We need reliable and lasting security for Ukraine, and, by extension, for all of Europe. That’s what we’re working towards.”

The plan predictably involves getting more help from the U.S. He is planning another trip to Washington to present this plan. He’s like a house guest you can’t get rid of – only people die because of it.

Both Vice President Harris and former President Trump are expected to meet with Zelensky when he comes to town.

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