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Clayton Morris

Bird Flu Lab Leak?

Did the current strain of bird flu come from a lab leak? A new study suggests that is the case. Bird flu as we know it is

Clayton Morris

Israel’s Foreign Interference

Israel has spent $2 million in a psyop campaign to drum up support for its war in Gaza, according to the New York Times. The campaign

Clayton Morris

Dating: You’ve Gotta Keep Trying

The government of Japan has launched an official dating app in a bid to boost falling marriage and birth rates. The birthgap crisis is worse

Clayton Morris

Biden Plays Tough On Border

The Biden Administration has closed the southern border for asylum seekers with this order prohibiting the “entry of any noncitizen into the United States across the southern

Clayton Morris

No Boots in Ukraine

The White House said that there are no plans to send any American troops to Ukraine, despite the rhetoric about NATO nations going to fight

Clayton Morris

Waking Up To Excess Deaths

The media is waking up to the fact that excess deaths have spiked since the rollout of the Covid vaccines. Way to catch up after

Clayton Morris

Green Policies Not At All Green

A new report from NASA scientists shows that global policies to restrict global warming are causing more global warming. Many people who study this have long-since said

Clayton Morris

Fauci’s Spiral of Untruths

In Congressional testimony on Monday, Dr. Anthony Fauci said that he knew nothing about hiding any paper trials, despite one of his advisers admitting to doing that

Clayton Morris

The Biden Family Mob

The Biden family showed up to the jury selection for Hunter Biden’s federal gun case on Monday. The final 12 members of the jury will include at