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Clayton Morris

Push Pause

President Biden has called for a “pause” on Israel’s strikes on Palestinian territories. It’s not a full on ceasefire but it is

Clayton Morris

Pardon my French

France has decided not to re-order their language for “gender neutral” purposes. The Senate voted in favor of a ban on “gender inclusive language”

Clayton Morris

Double Shock

Global economies are already reeling from the war in Ukraine. Could it get much worse now due to a war in Israel?

Clayton Morris

Mass Civilian Casualties

The New York Times reports that the U.S. has tacitly accepted “mass civilian casualties” will happen in Gaza from Israel’s retaliation for the October

Clayton Morris

Ukraine Grasping At Straws

Ukraine admitted to using U.S. missiles to target Crimea on Monday. This is Russian territory that was annexed from Ukraine by vote

Clayton Morris

What Happened To Those U.S. Bioweapons Labs?

Russia says that it has evidence that the United States is continuing its “biological weapons program.” Igor Kirillov, Chief of the Russian Nuclear, Biological

Clayton Morris

Regulating Artificial Intelligence

President Biden signed an executive order on Monday that sets new guidelines for Artificial Intelligence. The order is meant to “establishes new standards for

Clayton Morris

U.N. Rejects Peace Once Again

The United Nations failed once again to pass a resolution that would lead to a ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinians of

Clayton Morris

The Fallacy of a War Economy

President Joe Biden said that funding wars abroad would create jobs for Americans because those weapons are made in U.S. factories. As if that

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